A Church Home For You
We are a simple, warm, protected Church with one purpose - to bring others to Christ while building up the Child of God. We offer classes for every age. Everyone is welcome and you too can experience the wonderful joy that the Lord gives. Come and see!
Meeting Times
All Age Sunday School - 10:00 am.
Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 am.
Sunday Evening Bible Study - 5:00 pm.
Wednesday Eve. Bible Study - 6:00 pm.
You can reach us by phone: (209) 226-3507 (if no one answers, please leave a message).
Or - Email - Ray@Valleyhomembc.org or Paul@Vhmbc.org
Mail - 13331 Valley Home Rd., Oakdale, CA. 95361
We keep to the simple truths of the Bible, and have a long, rich Baptist heritage. Our hope is to impact lives positively for the cause of Jesus Christ.
We hold to the teachings which all true Baptists have held. We are always happy to answer any question you may have.
Other online media - go to Biblelandmarks.org for a directory of online material - or - 'Pastorlesschurches.org'